Friday, April 10, 2009

Reason #15,078 why I love Mr B

I love how my adorable husband always has this endless pit of energy to organise social activities for our friends. It is not as if he doesn't have enough to deal with.

Mr B has always been a very sociable person right from the day we met. I remember how he would rally his friends together to make dinner during our university days, dishing out tasks to each person and getting the team in sync to prepare a meal. Or getting everyone rallied to hit the midnight movies.

Now, 11 years later, he's still doing the same, despite life piling so many more responsibilities upon his shoulders. I see him coming home deadbeat from having dealt with a tough day at work but all seem to evaporate when he excitedly proposes our next adventure.

BBQ yes? Lunch where? Dinner with others want not? Call XXX and see what they are doing?

He really doesn't mind calling hotels up to make reservations and ask for upgrades. He cheerfully deals with each family's change in requirements even to the extent of reserving ahead for our meals. He seems to naturally always take charge of logistics even during the "event" and ensures that everyone is settled down and all is running smoothly.

He is often even the 'key cook' when the event is not initiated by him and when we go as guests. At times, I will berate him for always being the one who 'works' during functions, cos that leaves me rather alone without his company to enjoy, but when I see how satisfied he is, I know I should hold my tongue and let him be.

I guess that's why he's always been an event organiser in every job that he's held - dealing with annual dinners and other social & recreational events. He's apparently been a 'Social & Recreation events organiser' since he was a young pre-teen, organising neighbourhood swim-cum-BBQs for his mates living within his compound.

This unique trait of Mr B definitely complements my own shortcoming. I would only organise stuff if it didn't take too much time and trouble.

And yet another reason why I am in love with him.


punkychewster said...

so sweet!! yes count your blessings one every day.

Yappy said...

Ya, it's sweet to remember the small things about our family that we love.