I had gotten the ingredients at the supermarket the evening before, vaguely telling myself that I would make this dish. We had a lunch appointment that day and so Mr B declared that he wasn't going to want any part of this heavy breakfast. So be it - I said.
Daylight arrived and he rolled over and asked for wanton noodles. He's changed his mind apparently. So I trooped to the kitchen and started cooking.
I often cook from memory - recalling how my grandmother slices and marinates, how my mother stir fries, how dad poaches - you know how good cooks love to wax lyrical about their cooking techniques and theories? I've grown up listening to various people around me rambling on about them and they've apparently seeped into my subconciousness.
I find it magical that simple ingredients can come together to create new textures and tastes. It is marvelous.
The dish turned out pretty well. It is a healthy version - well, somewhat...and a lazy version. Probably would make hard core wanton lovers raise their plaques in protest. Yeah, it took me only 15 minutes to put the dish together and the wantons contain...gasp...carrots!
I know its kind of wierd to see carrots in wantons, but I wanted it to be healthy. So armed with some carrots, garlic, minced pork, prawns and some seasonings, I managed to make a whole load of wantons that we ate that morning and froze for future use.
Mr B, an avid cook himself, rolled up his sleeves to prepare the noodle sauce.
Little Rebecca was my wanton-skin-peeler (peel each skin off, fold it into queer shapes and hand it to me).
The end product was yummy and fulfilling. Just check out her pleased-as-a-cat expression.

No hiding from this child for sure!
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