Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rubber band star

Sometimes the best joys in life are derived from the simplest things.

We were on a train ride from Shanghai to Nanjing and I was too lazy to pull out the DVD player for the little one and decided to show her what I could remember from my childhood - making a start out of a rubber band.

She was estatic and thought I was THE GIRL! We then practiced a few times and viola, she got it! Here she is with the star she made.

I did a quick search on the net and found tutorials on how to make rubber band stars with one hand only, progressing in difficulty to 3 star rubber bands. Wow. Something to master and make her oogle even more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many hugs from across the oceans. Can you show me how to do a rubber band star too? =)
