Saturday, March 23, 2013

Trying to do it all

I spent a large part of my formative years at one of the best girl's schools in Singapore.

We were taught to be fiercely independent, yet to know how to tone it down when necessary. The expectation to have-it-all and to be-it-all was deeply ingrained in us since we were 6 or 7 year old sprouts till we graduated at 16.

The motto during my day was really simple: 进的了厨房,出的了厅堂 and I can tell you my fellow schoolmates are strong representatives of this almost 20 years later.

Here's my attempt this morning with the 8 month old, the 7 year old and me trying really hard not to dress sloppy and to get the 7 year old to her class. I would normally also have my laptop with me but thankfully it was a Saturday today. Phew.

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