Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shortened work week coming to an end

I have been taking every Friday off for the past few weeks and I find that it does me a lot of good. For one, I feel like my work/life balance is much better and I am better able to enjoy time spent with my daughter and husband. The rationale side of me reminds me that its just 8 more hours of work - not that big a difference! But the emotional side of me loves the idea of not being at work!

It is coming to an end though, just two more Fridays left.

Mr B has suggested that, since I like this arrangement so much, why not just use up my leave for this year this way. It is a pretty tempting idea but it'll need more thought.


Anonymous said...

Ya, 4 days work week can be very tempting. I had that for a few weeks to clear leave last year and misses it...

strawberry said...

Hey babe, are you feeling down because R and you are sick? The bug will go away in time. Or living in foreign land is getting to you? just my guesses...hope the bright side of life will shine on you again real soon. We are still in Tokyo but would be flying back this Sat evening. Hubby would be flying to Japan pretty often as his new job scope is to cover the Japan market but still based in SG. Lucky him but poor children and me as we would definitely see lesser of him...at least a week lesser each month! The positive side is he would claim more mileage for free flights for me. Take care, you can share with me in my blog or email :-)